If you have an interest in submitting new projects for consideration, it is requested that forms be submitted by Friday, June 23, 2017, to Ann Stroobant. If you cannot provide all of the information requested on the form, please do the best that you can. We need to be able to locate the project and to identify its scope.
I have also included a link to the P5.0 Updated Schedule (5/23/17) for 2017-2018 for your convenience- please click here.
Help us identify potential new projects! Please return KTRPO forms to Ann Stroobant by June 23, 2017 as per instructions included in the links below:
- Please click here for Background and what we look for in Identifying Candidate Projects
- Please click here for the KTRPO Bike/Pedestrian Potential Project Submittal Form
- Please click here for the KTRPO Highway Potential Project Submittal Form
We are trying to gather any new project information for each Kerr-Tar RPO county to consider and evaluate for possible Prioritization P5.0 submittal. If you have a transportation project other than highway and bike/pedestrian, please modify the forms accordingly. Transit and aviation projects require a 10% local match. Bike and pedestrian projects require a 20% local match.
It is expected that the revised Draft 2018-2027 STIP and the final list of Prioritization P5.0 Committed and Carryover Projects will be released on June 29, 2017. Based on the release of these items, David Keilson, our Division 5 Planning Engineer, could have additional project suggestions for us.
The Kerr-Tar P5.0 Subcommittee will meet to start discussing projects in July.