The Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) is the once a decade opportunity for local governments to verify the Census Bureau’s address list for their areas. Accurate boundary and address information is key to connecting Census questionnaires with households and getting the most accurate Census data possible.
The LUCA registration period is open now, and LUCA training sessions are scheduled across the state – . New sessions are being added. Please check the schedule regularly for new dates and locations.
Local governments may send any staff to the most convenient LUCA session to learn the details of the program. The sessions are free and will last 3-4 hours. Attendees should complete the LUCA Training Notification document at the bottom of the online schedule to make sure materials area available for everyone.
You may attend a LUCA training session regardless of your local government’s registration status. See the participation map for current LUCA participation in North Carolina. Visit the Census Bureau’s LUCA website for more information and registration materials for the LUCA program – .