Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of N.C.G.S. 159-12, the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, for the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments has been submitted to the Board of Directors and is available here.

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Thursday, June 27, 2024, beginning at 7:00 PM, or soon thereafter for receiving input from citizens wishing to comment on the proposed Budget for FY2024-2025.  The hearing will be held at the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Government’s office, located at 1724 Graham Avenue, Henderson, NC.


Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board Employment & Training Activities for Comprehensive Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth and One-Stop Operator Workforce Development Services

Public Notice

The Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments Workforce Development Board announces the release of a ‘Request for Proposals’ to provide employment and training services for One-Stop Operator, Adult Dislocated Services and Young adults ages 16-24 with barriers to employment in the areas of Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren Counties. Comprehensive services shall be provided under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act for Program Year 2023 (July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024).

An Information Session will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at the Kerr-Tar NCWorks Career Center, 826 S. Garnett Street, Henderson, NC for potential bidders to present questions and receive additional information. A teleconferencing option is also available during the Information Session (Dial 929-436-2866, Access ID is 81261415016 Passcode is 225381). Interested parties who have not received a copy of the RFPs should email to request RFP copies. Copies are also available at

Adult and Dislocated Worker RFP
One-Stop RFP
Youth RFP

Corrections to 2023 RFPs – updated 12/02/2022

Questions & Answers related to 2023 RFPs – updated 12/02/2022

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Public Meeting Notice

At the Council of Governments, December 1, 2022 Board Meeting, the SHEDC Team will present for approval and adoption before the Board of Directors the Kerr-Tar region’s CEDS Plan. This document, is a requirement for Economic Development Districts, such as the Kerr-Tar region by the Economic Development Administration. The Council of Governments will work on implementing policies and recommendations outlined in the plan over the next five years, actively apply for grant opportunities benefiting the region, and work with regional personnel to advance economic development, workforce, and aging activities in Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren counties.

This process began in May, after the formation of a Steering Committee comprised of a representation of regional stakeholders; in July, county-led focus groups were held where a SWOT Analysis was performed, and concluding in August, with citizen surveys measuring the economic strength of the region. The public and other interested parties are invited to attend, learn more about the CEDS process, and offer comments. The meeting will be at the Kerr-Tar COG office (1724 Graham Avenue) at 7:30PM.  If unable to attend, comments may be made at: More information on the CEDS, click here.