Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging Planning and Administration staff promote home and community-based care and services for older adults through input and assistance from consumers, community partners, and other stakeholders.
In addition, we assist counties in planning for a strong continuum of care for older adults by increasing the resources and support programs available, and, looking for new or expanded opportunities to better meet their needs. We improve the performance of local service providers through funds administration and monitoring related to Home and Community Care Block Grant funding and other funding streams.
Information brokerage is a key aspect of Kerr-Tar AAA’s work. We assist individuals and communities in becoming aware of and knowledgeable about aging issues, services and programs available to older adults of the region, by personal contact and dissemination of pertinent information. In addition, Kerr-Tar AAA makes informational presentations.
Kerr-Tar AAA advocates on behalf of the individual and collective concerns of older adult consumers, their families, and their communities through direct action and organizations such as its Regional Aging and Advisory Council. We support the efforts of the Senior Tar Heel Legislature and leverage its advocacy efforts by working with such groups as:
• The North Carolina Coalition on Aging,
• Friends of Residents In Long Term Care,
• The North Carolina Association of Area Agencies on Aging,
• The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging.
• The National Council on Aging,
• …and many others.