Clean Energy


North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center 
As of December 15, 2015 the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center received $4.5million in grant funds to continue to improve efforts of air quality within North Carolina.  This addresses the approved work plan for Clean Fuels Advanced Technology (CFAT) activities sponsored by Kerr-Tar COG.  In general, CFAT focuses on improving air quality in the 24 North Carolina counties that are in nonattainment or maintenance status with regards to bad air quality standards.  All projects and activities will correspond with activities listed with the work plan of Kerr-Tar COG.

Novozymes’ North American Headquarters is in Franklinton, NC. Their primary business is enzyme and microbial research, development and manufacturing.Read about Novozymes-A North Carolina Clean Transportation Success Story

NC Clean Energy Technology Center: Check out the new Fuel What Matters website with pages “for everyone” and “for Fleets” that feature bike, pedestrian and transit options across North Carolina as well as key information on biofuels, electric vehicles, natural gas and propane for transportation.