Senior Tar Heel Legislature

Senior Tarheels Set Legislative Priorities

To review complete list click here.



North Carolina Senior Tar Heel Legislature Advocacy Day March 15. From left to right – Jillian Hardin, Kerr Tar AAA, Sandra Tubbs STHL Delegate (Vance County), NC Senator Angela R. Bryant (Vance and Warren Counties), Charles Jefferson STHL Delegate (Warren County), Suja Jacob, Kerr Tar AAA.

If you would like to serve on the NC Senior Tar Heel Legislature please click here  to get a Nomination Form. 

The North Carolina Senior Tar Heel Legislature was created by the North Carolina General Assembly with the passage of Senate Bill 479 in July of 1993. The purpose of the Senior Tar Heel Legislator is to:

• Provide information to senior citizens on the legislative process and matters being considered by the North Carolina General Assembly.
• Promote citizen involvement and advocacy concerning aging issues before the North Carolina General Assembly.
• Assess the legislative needs of older citizens by convening a forum modeled after the North Carolina General Assembly.

The purpose of the Senior Tar Heel Legislature is to advise and inform the North Carolina General Assembly regarding issues impacting the lives of persons aged 60 and over in North Carolina. Senior Tar Heels attend regional meetings and state meetings. It is during these meetings where members become knowledgeable about the needs of older adults in their respective counties, and advocate with local and state public officials on behalf of older adults.

Senior Tar Heel Legislature Delegates and Alternates are sworn in on June 13, 2017. Congratulations to our very own Ms. Sandra Tubbs(Delegate- Vance County), Ms. Annette Meyers(Delegate- Granville County) and Ms. Sue Bryant (Alternate- Granville County).

One delegate and one alternate represent each county in North Carolina.

Franklin County – Delegate, Vacant
Alternate, Vacant

Granville County – Annette Meyers, Delegate
Sue Bryant, Alternate

Person County – Robert Allen, Delegate
Alternate, Vacant

Vance County – Sandra Butler Tubbs, Delegate
Alternate, Vacant

Warren County – Charles Jefferson, Delegate
Alternate, Vacant

North Carolina Senior Tar Heel Legislature General Session on June 14, 2017.   (From left to right, Annette Meyers – Delegate Granville County, Sandra Tubbs – Delegate Vance County, Dr. Althea Taylor Jones, Speaker, Charles Jefferson- Delegate Warren County)