Regions Innovating for Strong Economies & Environment (RISE) is developed by a partnership between NCORR and the NC Rural Center, RISE aims to support resilience primarily in the storm-impacted regions of North Carolina by:
- Providing coaching and technical assistance to regional partners to support community vulnerability assessments, identify priority actions to reduce risk and enhance resilience in their region, and develop paths to implementation.
- Developing the North Carolina Resilient Communities Guide, as a statewide resource that provide tools, guidance and opportunities for
building community resiliency. - Hosting regional leadership training workshops that emphasize resilience as a tool for community economic development.
The Kerr-Tar Council of Governments worked with North Carolina Office and Recovery and Resiliency’s RISE Program to develop a portfolio of priority projects that strengthen regional resilience. This multi-phase effort included a forward-looking vulnerability assessment, the identification of five to 10 high-priority projects and a list of the actions needed to implement each proposed project. A diverse stakeholder partnership guided the project to ensure that the scope of work reflected local priorities. The Kerr-Tar COG offered project guidance, the NC Rural Center hired a local leader to provide facilitation support and Kleinfelder Inc. provided technical assistance.
Click here to view the project portfolio.