Healthy Aging

Aging well means being happy, healthy and having meaning and purpose. Here are a few tools to help promote these goals. 

Kerr-Tar Senior Games


2025 Kerr-Tar Regional Senior Games

Senior Games is a holistic approach to keeping the body, mind, and spirit fit while enjoying the company of friends, family, spectators and volunteers. Senior Games is a year-round health promotion program for persons age 50 and better.
Each spring, Region K Senior Games hosts the local athletic and SilverArts competition.  Residents of Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren counties are eligible and encouraged to compete in Region K Senior Games.

Click HERE for fillable Registration Forms.

North Carolina Senior Games:
National Senior Games:

Senior Games 2025 Sponsor Packet


Healthy Promotions

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP), called Living Healthy with Chronic Disease in North Carolina,like the Living Healthy with Diabetes Program assist persons with arthritis, heart disease, COPD, fibromyalgia, diabetes and any other chronic disease to better manage their conditions and live a happier, healthier life.

Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) assists persons with diabetes to manage their condition successfully. People experience a variety of issues related to chronic health conditions such as: pain, fatigue, depression, and medication complications. This program is designed to help participants identify the issues; identify the barriers to successfully managing the issues, and to develop an action plan that will lead to better health and symptom management

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (CPSMP), called Living Healthy with Diabetes in North Carolina, assist individuals who have chronic pain by emphasizing four concepts: (1) each person with chronic pain is different, (2) there are a number of things people with chronic pain can do to feel better, (3) with knowledge and by experimenting, each individual is the best judge of which self-management tools and techniques are best for him or her and (4) the responsibility for managing your chronic pain day-to-day rests with you, not anybody else.

The Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program— is a group exercise program designed specifically for people with arthritis that uses gentle activities to help increase joint flexibility, range of motion and maintain muscle strength. This program, originally developed by the Arthritis Foundation, has classes that meet for 1 hour twice-weekly for eight weeks. 

Tai Chi for Arthritis is a low-impact, weight-bearing and aerobic, yet relaxing exercise. Tai Chi involves slow, gentle movements, deep breathing and meditation. Our Tai Chi program is based on the sun style tai chi and uses slow fluid movements to increase muscular strength and protect joints. By practicing gentle stretches and fluid motions individuals will gain a valuable self-care tool to help relieve pain while improving strength, range of motion, balance, and mental health. These gentle exercises are safe over a wide range of conditions and abilities and works well to complement other therapies or treatments.

Stay in walking shape with stretches and strengthening moves from the Arthritis Foundation’s Walk With Ease program. The Walk With Ease in the Worksite program is a low-cost, six-week walking program that can easily be integrated into an employer’s wellness program or provide an excellent starting point for a new wellness program. 

A Matter of Balance—is an 8 session program specifically designed to reduce fear of falling, stop the fear of falling cycle, and improve activity levels among community dwelling older adults.  The program uses practical coping strategies to reduce fear of falling and to diminish the risk of falling, including group discussions, mutual problem-solving, exercises to improve strength, coordination and balance, and home safety evaluation.