Region K Community Assistance Corporation
The Region K Community Assistance Corporation is a Non-Profit Corporation that was established and incorporated in March of 2011. (The Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments is the administrator for the Region K CAC and currently administers services for the Person County Senior Center in Roxboro, NC, through this non-profit.)
The purposes for which the Corporation is organized are:
To augment and enhance the programs and services related to aging, juvenile justice, community development, economic development, workforce development, and transportation planning and development provided by public and private agencies, including but not limited to, the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments, Franklin County, Granville County, Person County, Vance County, Warren County and the municipalities located in each of those counties.
Address: P.O. Box 709 Henderson, NC 27535
Nonprofit type: 501 © (3)
Mission Statement: To augment and enhance the program and services related to aging, community, economic and workforce development and transportation planning provided by our member government.