The Kerr-Tar Regional Planning Department serves as a resource to our members by coordinating regional initiatives, providing grant writing/administration and technical assistance and convening regional trainings and information sessions. Additionally, our Planning Department provides technical support and guidance to transit partners and state and local agencies on long-term, large-scale planning and offers individual assistance for local plans across our five county region.
Check out these awesome milestones we hit during the 2023-2024 fiscal year!
- 21 communities across the Kerr-Tar Region were assisted with planning, zoning and/or technical assistance.
- Our Safe Routes to School program distributed a total of 148 helmets to underserved children.
- 5 project funding applications were submitted to NCDOT.
- 13,294 NCDOT 5310 trips funded
Our Planning Department houses our Kerr-Tar Rural Planning Organization (KTRPO), along with the Safe Routes to School program and the Clean Fuel & Advanced Technology program.
Regional Program Coordinator
Victoria Glasscock
Phone: (252) 436-2040 ext. 2009
Contract Zoning Administrator
Frank Frazier
Phone: (252) 436-2040 ext. 2006