NC Regional Councils

North Carolina is served by 16 regional councils. Regional Councils have been operating in the state since 1972 to assist members in administration and planning and to proactively work on issues of regional interest.

Across the US, there are more than 500 regional councils, although naming conventions may differ by state. In some areas, they are known as Councils of Government (or COGs), Lead Regional Organizations (or LROs), or sometimes Planning Commissions or Planning Associations.

The Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments is one of 16 Councils across the State of North Carolina and is located in the central portion of the state at the Virginia border. The Kerr-Tar COG offers services in the areas of: Aging, Community and Economic Development, Loan Program Assistance, Planning, and Workforce Development. The COG receives state and federal funding that helps to continue these services as well as per capita assessments from their local members.

The NC Councils have partnered together to develop and build a resilient North Carolina through a process called “North Carolina Tomorrow – Building Communities for Tomorrow’s Jobs.” Click here for 2014 NC Tomorrow Plan.

To review information on any COG across the State of North Carolina or find out more about the NC Tomorrow project you may click here: